Kacy O’Donnell
MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (112263)
Educational Coordinator & Aftercare Coordinator
Kacy is a licensed marriage and family therapist having received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada Las Vegas and her master’s degree from California State University. She is certified in Crisis Oriented Recovery Services, (CORS), and Safety-Care Behavioral Safety (QBS). She brings to the Pacific team years of experience working with a variety of clients in clinical settings. Her role at Pacific Teen Treatment centers around assisting clients with their educational pursuits and helping them prepare for life after treatment. The synergy between education and aftercare perfectly suit Kacy’s unique, compassionate style.
Contact Us
Our admissions team can be reached 24/7 at info@pacificrtc.com or call: (800) 531-5769
You can learn more about PTT and our approach to adolescent treatment by filling out the form below: